Ari’s Bar Mitzvah | Congregation Sinai | Milwaukee Event Photographer

Last month Ari became a Bar Mitzvah and I was there to capture it all. 💗 Just one year after Ava’s wonderful celebration, it was Ari’s turn. On October 19, 2024, Ari and his family and friends gathered at Congregation Sinai to witness this special occasion and celebrate together. It was a such a incredible day and I was absolutely honored to be there again to capture these special moments for this beautiful family.

Hi, I'm Erin...

...and this is me and my soulmate. Wanna know more about me and my crazy, beautiful, chaotic life? I have seven kids.

I LOVE coffee, travel, live music, fresh flowers and all things yoga. I'm not a fan of beer or bonfires and I REALLY can't stand bushy beards. Ewww!

I dream of living on the beach one day, where I'll sip margaritas and watch the sunset with my husband.
