Iossi Family | Doctor’s Park | Milwaukee Family Photographer

What a fun session with my dear friends, Mike and Ren, and their little darlings: Norah, and their new little love, Matthew. My morning with them at Doctor’s Park a few weeks ago mostly consisted of chasing around sweet Norah, which from what Ren tells me, basically sums up their lives these days. Norah is so, so smart, and quite independent too, insisting that she do everything “own self.” SO. Darn. Cute.  Matthew was as happy as can be, which Ren says is pretty much how he is all the time. He is a pretty easy, laid-back little guy. Life with a toddler and baby sure is busy, but I know that Ren and Mike are soaking up every single minute with their precious cutie pies.  I sure had fun documenting their fun moments as a family that morning. Mike and Ren, we love you guys so much and can’t wait until we can all hang out as families again one day! Sending you love and virtual hugs this holidays season! xoxo

Hi, I'm Erin...

...and this is me and my soulmate. Wanna know more about me and my crazy, beautiful, chaotic life? I have seven kids.

I LOVE coffee, travel, live music, fresh flowers and all things yoga. I'm not a fan of beer or bonfires and I REALLY can't stand bushy beards. Ewww!

I dream of living on the beach one day, where I'll sip margaritas and watch the sunset with my husband.
